An executive concept of operations course to effectively & efficiently manage an unplanned or special event with business continuity.
This course sets up a Concept of Operations (COO) to help you and your institution effectively and efficiently manage an unplanned or special event while continuing to manage normal business operations. This COO will be as effective as the level of understanding of those responsible for its implementation during a crisis. This need transcends all levels of the organization from the administration to your initial response personnel.
A working knowledge of the system is important when an event requires coordinating your response with outside agencies. Other events may tax federal, state, and regional resources and place the primary burden of management on the hospital.
This system is following the Presidential Directive, HSPD-5, which requires local government and other institutions to comply with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
In addition to hospital personnel, local emergency services personnel could be invited to participate to further relations with the institution, learn about the hospital system, and support the exercise with emergency services issues and needs.
This is a fast-paced course
comprised of two day-long exercises.
OPERATIONS (day one)
We discuss situations where the system would apply such as natural disasters, civil disturbances, hazardous material incidents, terrorism incidents, and mass casualty incidents. You will experience a pre-event planning exercise using Incident Command as the functional management model. This exercise will demonstrate the efficiency of functional management and set the stage for day-to-day compliance with National Incident Management System (NIMS) standards.
This session should be attended by all top level administrative personnel and operational supervisors who have a role in the management of the institution during a crisis. It is also critical that the CEO and his/her cabinet who would find themselves in the Executive Policy Group (EPG) have an understanding and endorsement of the Concept of Operations that will be consistently deployed during critical events.
What you'll learn during this exercise:
The role & responsibilities of the EPG
A description of a critical incident from a hospital perspective
What constitutes a response (such as coordination capabilities, policy & strategic roles, continued community operations, contingency planning, & effective implementation of recovery efforts)
The structure & function of an EOC
Triggering events that would require the establishment of an EOC
The COO during an event including an overview of crisis & scene management response phases
An explanation of a command post & unified command at the scene
EOC coordination with the command post
A scene-based incident where the emergency services have a command presence & a specific situation triggers the creation of an EOC
An incident which has occurred off-scene but the hospital & the community are impacted & that require establishing an EOC
An incident which has occurred off-scene but the hospital and the community are impacted, requiring an EOC
CENTER (day two)
The goal of this exercise is to give exposure to and act out Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Policy Group roles in a controlled environment as well as demonstrate an understanding of NIMS and the hospital COO.
You'll experience a hospital-specific scenario and learn the key roles of those who should participate in your EOC.
We prepare your people to succeed rather than to throw them into the cold water of a surprise exercise without preparation and watch them fail.
Outcomes will reveal needed improvements in communication systems, training, policy, procedures, equipment, and above all, a more experienced team of key individuals.
We facilitate an exercise, which would require the activation of the EOC and Policy Group.
At the end of the exercise, an extensive debriefing of all participants will be held with the goal of fine tuning the concept of operations and modeling the debriefing process.
This debrief will focus on what happened, what did you do, what would you or the organization do differently THE NEXT TIME, as well as support activities such as callback systems, personnel management, record keeping of personnel and assets, human services, technology, and demobilization.